Plastics are everywhere nowadays, but when Westernaires founder Elmer Wyland imagined, designed, and built this vinyl saddle, these materials were rare, noteworthy, and awe-inducing
Varsity Big Red Team Major Helen Erickson interviewed Westernaires alumnus and PRCA pickup man Randy Britton at the 2022 National Western
Our Charitable Programs
One of our more recent fundraising programs, please help us to commission a bronze bust celebrating the legacy of Director Emeritus Glen E. Keller, Jr.
Sponsor-A-Rider program aims to provide short-term financial relief (for Westernaire-related expenses) for families in financial crisis, and to ensure that riders are able to participate in their classes during tough financial times. Please consider donating to this worthy cause!
Sponsor any Westernaire horse, in memoriam or living, rental horse or owner horse, pony or draft. All money collected from this fundraising program goes directly to an encumbered fund for the Westernaire rental string, helping to ensure that the horses will always continue to have the tack, supplements, and state-of-the-art care that they need.
Contribute one-time, or on a recurring basis.
Please enjoy this footage of the 1971 Westernaires Horsecapades Show and the 1972 National Western Stock Show, including behind the scenes footage.
While Westernaires has appeared in numerous movies and television shows, Camelot was the first opportunity for them to be stars of the stage
What's the Story?
While Westernaires has appeared in numerous movies and television shows, Camelot was the first opportunity for them to be stars of the stage
We're looking for alumni, family, and friends to share with us their stories and memories from their past Westernaire days. The results, based upon what we've seen thus far, are amazing!
Upcoming Events
Alumni Gear -- Now available!

“Coloradans have tremendous vitality and energy. They all seem to be athletes. Great horsemen, too. The Westernaires provided a whole Cavalry troop for a movie that I was working on in Colorado a few years ago. During the filming they put on a show for us. The jumping and formation riding was really spectacular.”

“Why can’t we all give more of our time to young people? We should not criticize them. We should give them the guidance that only our experience can provide. They’re in need of that, they want it, they relish having real discipline. I’d like to see more people helping the young people. More people making that a way of life after retirement when they can spend more of their time without the press of business. I’d like to see them spend it helping others, helping young people, helping to guide them. There are a lot of ways that it can be done.”