Contribute to Fundraising Programs that Benefit Westernaires
You can help us to achieve our goals in a number of ways! Whether you have a lot or a little to give financially, we welcome your contributions to any of the following programs. All contributions are 100% tax deductible in the United States:
Make Impacts that Benefit Current Westernaires riders
We have two ongoing fundraising programs to help ensure that Westernaires continues to be an accessible and welcoming place for the youth of Colorado:
The Sponsor a Westernaire Rider Program
Westernaires has always worked keep their fees at the lowest possible levels for riders, however, in trying times they can add up. Occasionally, it can all be too much to pay, and a rider and their family must make a decision about whether they can continue to participate in Westernaires financially. The goal of the Sponsor a Rider program is to provide short-term financial relief (for Westernaire-related expenses) for families, and to ensure that riders are able to participate in their classes during tough financial times.
Nomination of a sponsorship can be initiated by someone who is aware of a family in need. All information regarding the program is confidential. To learn more, or to make a contribution to this great program, click here.
The Sponsor a Westernaire Horse Program
The Westernaires Alumni Association designed program that collects auxiliary resources earmarked specifically for the Westernaire rental horse string. All money collected from the program goes directly to an encumbered fund for the Westernaire string, helping to ensure that the rental horses will always continue to have any specialized tack, supplements, or state-of-the-art care that they might need. To learn more, or to make a contribution to this great program, click here.
Coming soon: Scholarships
Contact us if you’re interested in helping us to create a college or trade school scholarship for deserving Westernaires riders.
Contribute to Memorial and Commemorative Fixtures at Fort Westernaire
The beautiful bronze bust of Glen E. Keller, Jr, Director Emeritus, will now be displayed in the lobby of the Volunteer Arena at Fort Westernaire. Here is Mr. Keller seen with Mr. Bill Schleicher, the current Director of Westernaires.
Bronze Bust for Glen E. Keller, Jr., Director EmerituS
The Alumni Association is spearheading fundraising efforts to have a bronze bust made of Director Emeritus, Glen E. Keller, Jr. The hopes are that this bust will be presented at a date in the future, as a commemorative token of our thanks to the decades of service that the Kellers provided to Westernaires. For more information, or to contribute to the production of this piece, click here.
The Elmer E. Wyland Memorial Building resides in the heart of Fort Westernaire
Bronze Plaque for Dedication of Elmer E. Wyland Memorial Building
The Alumni Association would like to rededicate the Elmer E. Wyland Memorial Building by producing a large scale bronze plaque / sign that will be affixed to the building’s exterior. The plaque / signage will most likely be displayed prominently on the dormer featured on the first floor of the 2-story building that was originally dedicated in 1986. Many of you will remember the lower level of this building as the lunch room from back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but it is now the Westernaires History Room of the Museum. The upper floor of the building is and has always been a classroom known as the “A/V Room.” It was recently outfitted with a ceiling-mounted projector — a gift from the Alumni Association in honor of Westernaires’ 70th anniversary in 2019.
This is the dormer on which the signage / plaque honoring the Wylands — the founders of Westernaires — will likely be placed
We estimate that this plaque will cost $2,600 to have delivered. To make a contribution toward the production of this large external plaque / sign, click here.
For more information about the history of Fort Westernaire, click here.
Emergency Assistance
In years past, when Westernaires has found themselves in a pinch, we’ve emptied our coffers and provided all of our funds to Westernaires. Whether it be an equine pandemic or other fundraising shortfall, the Westernaires Alumni Association is dedicated to raising funds and providing them to Westernaires when they are in need. Our primary mission is to help ensure the future of Westernaires.
ways to Give
Besides making a donation of cash, securities, or real property, you can help us to make a difference in so many other ways. Here are just a few:
Participate in our 5K Run / Walk: The Spirit of the West
Donate your saddle or tack to Westernaires
Donate your unwanted vehicle to Westernaires Alumni Association
Contribute auction items to our Silent Auction fundraiser at Annual Show
Make a General Donation to the Alumni Association
Don’t know where you’d like your money to go? Would you like us to put it toward the area of greatest immediate need? Consider making a general donation to the Alumni Association. Click here to donate.
Still more ways to give — Little Things Add Up!
Designate Westernaires as the beneficiary of your King Soopers Community rewards (at no charge to you)
Click here for instructions for creating a login account. Under Find an Organization, enter the organization name Westernaires to enroll. Our organization number is TI171
Purchase Elitch’s tickets and Westernaires gets a Donation (at no charge to you)
New this year, Elitch Gardens is offering extremely discounted day tickets, season passes, parking passes, meal deals, and more to everyone within Westernaires’ network via an online store. A portion of the proceeds from day tickets and season passes will go back to Westernaires at the end of the season. This is a totally free program provided to Westernaires, and we are under no financial responsibility to Elitch Gardens. Be sure to share this link with your friends and family members!
Pricing: The tickets, season passes, and various deals on the store are priced lower than any price the general public would be able to obtain at any time.
Day ticket: Main Gate- $64.99 / Your Rate: $32.49 $3 goes back to Westernaires
Season Passes: Main Gate- $69.99-$179.99 / Your Rate: $69.99 $5 goes back to Westernaires
Discounts are also available on Dining Plans, Meal Deals, Parking, and more!
How to access these deals: Click on this link to purchase your Elitch’s day tickets, season passes, parking passes, and other swag.