Donate Your Used Saddle to Westernaires
With an organization of over 1,000 adolescents, hundreds of rental horses, dozens of ponies, and a handful of heavy drafts, you can probably imagine that horse tack (saddles, bridles, and other gear) is absolutely essential. Maintaining existing tack, fixing breaks and malfunctions, and finding well-fitting tack for new horses is a full-time job. The Westernaire Wranglers are a hard working bunch of adults and teens who ensure that every one of the Westernaire rental string "herd" are healthy, well-groomed, and well-outfitted in the proper equipment. Their job is never-ending.
A year or so ago, the Alumni Association heard that the Westernaire rental horse string were in need of a few more saddles, so we located a some gently-used, older saddles, and made arrangements to have them sent to Westernaires. We recently received a nice note from the Westernaire Wrangler team that we thought we'd share with you. Tony writes:
“Just thought you may appreciate an update since you’ve done so much for us over the past few months. Here’s Rolo in his new saddle.
As for the tack program in general, we will have completed inspections on 100 percent of the inventory and created a written maintenance record for each saddle by the end of this week. We have done many minor repairs, pulled a few saddles for major work, and discarded a couple that were, quite honestly, unsafe to use. We have also been able to replace some of the ill-fitting tack that was being used and in a few instances have seen improved behavior from the horses involved (Bandit!).
We are continuing to evaluate all of the old saddles in the back of the tack room and recondition those that are serviceable.”
Here's one of Westernaires' rental string horses -- "Rolo" -- in his (refurbished) new saddle.
One of the handful of used yet well-suited saddles that the Alumni Association delivered to Westernaires for use on their Westernaires rental string horses. They are always in need of additional saddles and tack, so please consider making a tax-deductible donation.
Thank you to the Westernaire Wranglers for their hard work and dedication.
Do you have any tack that you no longer use? Please consider donating it to Westernaires! Contact us here, and we'll arrange for its pick-up or shipping. Don't forget that all donations to Westernaires and the Westernaires Alumni Association are 100% tax deductible.
Don't have a saddle to donate? Consider making a cash donation instead using the button below.